
Types Of Braces

What Are braces made of?


Dr. Reese uses American Orthodontics brackets that are made in the USA. These brackets are durable and made from a mix of stainless steel, nickel, and other metals.

Brackets have little hooks or doors where a wire is threaded. A bracket can be secured by closing the door or by placing an elastic over the top of the wire.


This is what Dr. Reese will use to attach the brackets to your teeth. It’s common to attach the bracket directly to the tooth with glue.

Orthodontic Bands

We cement these stainless steel rings to your teeth using dental bonding agents. These bands anchor your braces and orthodontic appliances, but we don’t always use them for everyone.

Elastic Ties/O-Rings/Ligatures

Dr. Reese uses these tiny rubber rings or bands to attach the archwire to the brackets. Elastics are less rigid than spacers and you can get them in dozens of colors.


This thin piece of metal runs from one bracket to another. Dr. Reese will change the wire’s shape and curvature to move your teeth in the right direction.

The wire will attach all of your bottom or upper teeth together in many cases. We may occasionally cut the wire if connecting just a few teeth is better for your treatment plan.


If you need bite correction, elastics are essential. They’re generally strung between an upper bracket hook and a lower bracket hook.

This pulls your upper jaw backward to correct an overbite, or the lower jaw back to correct an underbite. We use rubber bands for many different situations, especially when we want to put extra pressure on the teeth or jaws.


If Dr. Reese needs to create space between your teeth, he’ll put spacers on the job. We use these small elastic“donuts” or rings typically before we place your bands are placed. You might also hear them called “separators”.

A tried and true treatment

Metal Braces

The most common type of braces at Reese Orthodontics is metal braces. These orthodontic workhorses have a long history of successfully straightening smiles at every age for patients all around Portland and the surrounding areas.

Clear Braces

Clear braces can be a great alternative to conventional braces in Portland. They’re made of a clear material so they’re less visible on your teeth than metal braces.

Champagne Gold Braces

Are you someone who likes to stand out from the status quo? Champagne braces are a great treatment for patients who require a traditional braces treatment, but prefer the more aesthetic look of champagne-colored brackets and wires. This treatment is equally as effective as metal braces; they just have a different appearance!

Braces For Kids

Modern braces are more than just an effective and efficient way of straightening teeth. They represent a tremendous opportunity to explore new possibilities and make confident changes to our smiles. And with the help of Dr. Reese and our outstanding team here at Reese Orthodontics, you can take full advantage of that opportunity no matter what age you are.

Here at Reese Orthodontics, we understand the importance of a healthy set of teeth and the positive impact they can have on a child’s self-confidence during their formative years. That’s why we offer braces specifically and uniquely designed for kids that provide a gentle, comfortable treatment experience.

Dr. Reese—as well as The American Association of Orthodontists—recommends that your child receives their first orthodontic check-up at the first signs of orthodontic issues or, at the latest, by the age of seven. By this point, most children have a mix of baby teeth and permanent teeth that provide enough information for us to determine whether or not your child needs braces now, as well as in the future.

And if any of your young ones are in need of braces for kids in Portland and Hood River, OR, we’re here for you every step of the way, from preventing further orthodontic issues to providing practical aftercare advice.

Why May Early Orthodontic Treatment Be Necessary?

Early orthodontic treatment with braces for kids in Portland and Hood River, OR, could be just what your child needs to prevent future orthodontic issues. Our early treatment can help guide their adult teeth into the correct position, reduce the possibility of tooth extraction later in life, and can help prevent more serious orthodontic issues from forming. Plus, it can improve their overall oral hygiene by preventing excessive wear on the enamel and gums that can result from problems like misalignments.

The bottom line is that early intervention can be incredibly beneficial if necessary, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns about your child’s teeth. An early visit with Dr. Reese here at Reese Orthodontics could mean the difference between a healthy, happy smile and one plagued with lifelong orthodontic issues.

Early Signs Of Orthodontic Issues

Though some early orthodontic issues are more subtle than others and may require the expertise of Dr. Reese to catch, here are a few key signs that could indicate your child may need our top-of-the-line braces for kids in Portland and Hood River, OR:

    • Protruding teeth
    • Frequent cheek biting
    • Gapped or crooked teeth
    • Habitual mouth breathing
    • Thumb sucking after age five
    • Early or late loss of baby teeth
    • Difficulties chewing or biting food
    • Crowded, misplaced, or blocked teeth
    • Speech impediments, such as lisping or difficulty pronouncing certain words

If you’ve noticed any of these issues, Dr. Reese and the rest of our friendly team at Reese Orthodontics are more than ready to help!

Braces For Teens

As part of the quintessential teenage experience, the most common time for orthodontic treatment with braces in Portland and Hood River, OR, is typically between the ages of 11 and 16. That’s when the majority, if not all, of an adolescent’s permanent teeth have come in, and any orthodontic issues begin to present themselves far more obviously.

With the help of our fantastic Dr. Reese, we provide braces specifically designed to accommodate the unique needs and lifestyles of teens, helping them achieve a perfectly straight, healthy smile with minimal pain and discomfort.

Your Lifestyle With Braces

When considering braces for teens in Portland and Hood River, OR, it’s essential to understand that there will be some lifestyle changes and adjustments that your teen will have to make to ensure successful treatment. For example, they will need to prioritize their oral hygiene more than usual and take extra precautions when eating certain foods in order to avoid damaging the braces. Hard foods like nuts, crunchy snacks, and candy can damage the braces, while sticky foods like caramel and chewing gum can get stuck in the braces and between the teeth.

Sports activities, too, may require some extra precautions when it comes to protecting their braces and smile. Depending on what sports your teen participates in, mouthguards may be necessary to ensure that the braces remain intact while they’re out and about being active.

Remedies For Minor Braces Issues

Though minor braces issues are common, they don’t always have to be a huge issue that calls for another appointment with Dr. Reese. Below are some of the more common issues with braces in Portland and Hood River, OR, and how to address them at home:

    • Loose Bands or Brackets — If any bands or brackets feel loose, we recommend not messing with them as long as they are still attached to the archwire. However, if for any reason one is knocked entirely loose, you should keep it safe by wrapping it in tissue or placing it in a plastic bag and then quickly contact Dr. Reese’s office to schedule a repair appointment as soon as possible.
    • General Soreness — If your braces are causing minor soreness after tightening appointments or simply in general, rinsing out your mouth with warm saltwater for 30 seconds or so can help provide relief. Ibuprofen or other forms of over-the-counter pain medication can also help reduce any inflammation you may feel. And if needed, an orthodontic wax can be used to cover any brackets that may be rubbing uncomfortably against the inside of your mouth.
    • Poking Wires — From time to time, archwires may start to poke against the inside of your cheeks or lips. To help prevent any irritation, you can use an eraser end of a pencil or something similar to gently push down the wire back into place. You can also use wax to cover the end that is causing discomfort.
    • Loose Wires — If you find that the archwires are starting to become loose, we recommend using a pair of tweezers or something of the like to carefully reposition them and then use wax to cover any sharp points that may be sticking out. If the wire continues to feel loose or bother you, be sure to contact Dr. Reese’s office for an appointment as soon as possible.

However, if your teen ever experiences some form of an orthodontic emergency, such as severe oral pain, major swelling, or significant injury to the mouth and braces, please contact Reese Orthodontics immediately. Of course, if the injury involves more than just your teen’s braces, prioritize their health and safety first with a trip to the emergency room—we’ll be here to pick up the pieces afterward.

Braces For Adults

Though braces are typically associated with teens, braces for adults in Portland and Hood River, OR, have never been more popular. It is never too late to get the smile of your dreams and start tackling any orthodontic issues you may be experiencing. Whether cut-rate braces from your childhood failed to fully correct a problem or your teeth simply shifted back out of alignment over time, Dr. Reese and our team here at Reese Orthodontics have the experience and expertise to help you get back on the path to optimal oral health.

Your Lifestyle With Braces

Similar to the lifestyle changes teens should make when wearing braces, adults with braces in Portland and Hood River, OR, will need to be mindful of certain adjustments they should make to ensure that their smile transformation goes smoothly. Brushing and flossing are just as important for adults as they are for teens—it’s essential that your teeth are clean in order to prevent any plaque build-up or decay.

Eating crunchy or chewy foods should also be avoided, and any sticky food should be avoided at all costs as they may cause brackets or wires to come loose. Similarly, any sports or activities that may put your mouth in harm’s way should be avoided until you are finished with braces and have had a retainer fitted. Following these guidelines will help keep your teeth healthy and straight and make sure that your braces treatment is as successful as possible.

Caring For Your Smile With Braces

Other than avoiding the right foods and keeping up with your usual oral hygiene routine, there are some extra steps you should take to ensure that your braces are cared for properly and that your smile stays in top shape. First, be sure to regularly check your orthodontic hardware for any signs of wear and tear or damage. Inspecting your braces after every meal and looking out for loose brackets, bands, or wires can help prevent any further damage and possible discomfort.

You should also consider investing in a fluoride-based mouthwash to help keep your teeth and gums healthy and your braces squeaky clean. And because braces can make it difficult to clean certain areas of your teeth, we recommend using a water flosser to ensure that even the hard-to-reach spots are taken care of adequately. With the proper maintenance and care, your braces in Portland and Hood River, OR, should stay in tip-top shape throughout your entire treatment with Reese Orthodontics!

Braces FAQ

Before applying the brackets, Dr. Reese and the team at Reese Orthodontics will take photos and X-rays of your mouth. Sometimes we’ll use our iTero Element scanner to scan each of your teeth to capture the full layout of your gums and mouth.

If necessary, this process takes 10-15 minutes and provides an extremely accurate 3D view of your mouth.

After the X-Ray and optional scan, Dr. Reese will use this information to create your customized treatment plan. This will include how each tooth needs to be moved to get it in the best possible position.

Dr. Reese will decide how to place the brackets based on this information. For example, if you have some teeth that need to be tilted, the placement of those brackets will be different than the placement of brackets for teeth that need to be turned.

Once we attach your brackets, Dr. Reese will insert the wire. Bends in the wire will provide different types of pressure on different teeth. Dr. Reese is able to create precise movements using this bend in the wire and control where your teeth will go.

At Reese Orthodontics, we’re proud to offer the latest braces technology to our patients of all ages in Portland and surrounding areas!

Metal braces have quite the reputation for being awkward and obvious. But, thanks to modern orthodontics, you’ll benefit from versions that are smaller, less conspicuous, and more comfortable than ever before.

Sleeker brackets and lighter wires improve the appearance and feel of these braces. This means you’ll have less irritation in your mouth.

Traditional metal braces at Reese Orthodontics also come with a fun twist without any extra cost – you can customize them with pops of color! The elastics that fit around your brackets come in a wide variety of colors that let you showcase your personality whenever you want.

Pick your favorite color combination, the colors of your favorite sports team, or your school colors! We also offer silver, gray, white, black, and tooth-colored elastics if you’re seeking a more subtle look.

Braces are great at fixing complex tooth issues. They can work faster at closing gaps and aligning teeth than other treatments might. This can potentially shorten your treatment time with Reese Orthodontics.

Metal braces are cost-effective because they don’t require some of the more complex technology or expensive equipment that newer treatments do. The strength, durability, and affordability of traditional metal braces keep them the top treatment for orthodontic patients year after year!

This is what every patient wants to know, but it’s something we don’t have a guaranteed answer for. Every mouth is different and every patient responds to treatment in their own way. Treatment time with metal braces at Reese Orthodontics will be different every time.

The average time spent in metal braces is around 18 to 22 months but could be shorter or longer, depending on the individual and the treatment plan designed by Reese Orthodontics.

We have some patients at Reese Orthodontics in braces for as few as six months, but for complex issues, it can take over three years to complete the process.

With metal braces from Reese Orthodontics, you’ll see signs of improvement in just a short time, and that gives you confidence during the treatment process.