
About Invisalign

Treatment That Fits Your Life

If you’ve ever wanted a straighter smile without obvious metal braces, Invisalign clear aligners from Reese Orthodontics could be just what you’re looking for. As an experienced Invisalign provider, Dr. Reese has treated hundreds of patients with Invisalign and can create your perfect smile!

The Invisalign Process

Unlike traditional braces, these comfortable clear aligners don’t rely on a system of brackets and wires. We treat all ages with Invisalign at Reese Ortho, using Invisalign First for kids, Invisalign Teen for adolescents, and Invisalign for adults. Dr. Reese achieves stunning results with Invisalign so talk to us, even if your case is too complex for at-home aligners or less experienced providers.

Invisalign uses a series of customized, clear aligners to gradually straighten your teeth with fewer office visits than traditional braces. They’re removable, nearly invisible, and customized by Dr. Reese specifically for your teeth and mouth. Invisalign is much more comfortable than traditional metal braces and can give you stunning results that last.

When you come to Reese Orthodontics for your free consultation at our Portland office, we’ll take photos and X-rays to create a 3D image of your mouth. Dr. Reese will use these to make your first set of custom-fitted aligners and then you’ll begin the process of straightening your teeth.

You’ll probably wear Invisalign aligners for 9–15 months, and will typically use 18–30 sets during your treatment at Reese Orthodontics. You wear the trays for about 22 hours a day as recommended by Dr. Reese, but can remove them to brush your teeth and eat. You’ll wear several sets of trays throughout your orthodontic treatment at Reese Orthodontics, based on your individual needs. You’ll start to notice a change in just a few months!

Differences Between Invisalign & Braces

Unlike traditional braces, smooth plastic Invisalign aligners with Reese Orthodontics don’t have any metal components that can irritate your mouth. Since they’re removed when you eat, you won’t have any food restrictions like you would when wearing braces – bring on the popcorn and peanuts!

In fact, you must remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything besides water. You need to make sure you’re willing to do that before you decide on Invisalign clear aligners.

To prevent staining, you’ll need to clean your teeth before putting the aligners back on after each time you eat. Of course, brushing and flossing are much easier than with traditional braces, since you don’t have to work around any brackets and wires.

Invisalign Responsibility

When it comes to Invisalign treatment, there’s a lot to consider. Most Invisalign patients at Reese Orthodontics enjoy shorter check-ups, fewer appointments, better oral hygiene, and fewer emergency visits.

However, the system’s biggest pro can also be a con – the ability to remove the aligners. Your cooperation is essential, whether you have braces or Invisalign.

Since braces are attached to your teeth, they do the heavy lifting to keep your treatment progressing. With Invisalign, you need to do a little extra work during your treatment so your trays can complete your treatment efficiently.

Like with traditional metal braces, Dr. Reese recommends wearing a retainer after your Invisalign treatment to maintain your new alignment and your confident new smile.

Invisalign For Kids

Long gone are the days when bulky metal braces were the only option for achieving a stunningly aligned and beautiful smile. With Invisalign’s revolutionary clear aligner system, you can get the picture-perfect smile of your dreams without sacrificing your personal style or confidence. Invisalign in Portland and Hood River, OR, provides a comfortable, virtually invisible solution that works quickly, effectively, and discretely to help you achieve your desired smile. And with the help of Dr. Reese and our friendly team here at Reese Orthodontics, you can feel safe knowing that your smile will get the attention and care it deserves.

With Invisalign for kids in Portland and Hood River, OR, you can give your children the opportunity to achieve a great-looking smile without the inconvenience of metal braces. Proudly showcasing over 15 years of experience, Dr. Reese and his team at Reese Orthodontics can help determine if your child is a candidate for Invisalign and provide them with the best care possible. And using the latest technology, Dr. Reese can quickly and accurately map out a treatment plan that meets your child’s individual needs while providing them with an easy and comfortable experience throughout the process.

Is My Child A Candidate For Invisalign?

As always, it’s our recommendation—and that of The American Association of Orthodontists—that you bring your child in for their first orthodontic exam no later than the age of seven. If there are any apparent or early signs of orthodontic issues before that age, we’re more than happy to assess your child’s mouth and determine if they are a candidate for Invisalign.

In general, a good candidate for Invisalign will have an overbite, underbite, crooked teeth, or crowded teeth that need to be corrected. However, if your child has a more severe form of malocclusions (misalignments) like a crossbite or open bite, then we may advise traditional metal braces as the more appropriate treatment option.

It’s crucial for you as the parent to determine whether your child is careful and responsible enough to properly use Invisalign for kids in Portland and Hood River, OR. If you think they may be prone to losing or damaging their aligners, or if they simply won’t take the care needed to use them correctly, then traditional braces may again be a better option. Ultimately, your first free consultation with Dr. Reese will help you determine what form of treatment is best for your child’s individual needs.

About Invisalign First

Invisalign First is an exciting new option for our younger patients who are in need of effective orthodontic treatment. It’s designed for children between the ages of 6 and 10 and is especially beneficial for those with early overbites, underbites, crowding, and spacing issues. And utilizing our state-of-the-art 3D imaging technology, we’re able to create custom-fitted aligners for each patient in order to gently move their teeth into place.

Plus, the treatment is virtually invisible and can fix your child’s orthodontic issues in as little as 18 months. So, if you’re looking for a fast, comfortable, and discrete form of orthodontic treatment for your child, Invisalign First is an excellent option.

Invisalign For Teen

Your child’s teenage years are an important time when it comes to establishing healthy habits and developing their own individual style. And while traditional metal braces can sometimes interfere with both of those things, Invisalign for teens in Portland and Hood River, OR, provides a discrete yet effective way to correct your child’s smile without making them feel self-conscious or uncomfortable.

What Makes Invisalign Teen Different?

Invisalign Teen is an advanced version of Invisalign specifically designed for teenagers. It’s the same virtually invisible, comfortable, and convenient form of treatment as regular Invisalign but with some added benefits to help make sure teens stay on track and get the most out of their treatment.

Invisalign Teen comes designed with compliance indicators so that parents can easily monitor how often their teen is wearing their aligners. The indicators fade from blue to clear when exposed to saliva, allowing parents to check whether or not their teen is genuinely wearing the aligners as prescribed.

Moreover, as part of our Invisalign for teens in Portland and Hood River, OR, we provide our teenage patients with free replacements for their aligners. We know that teenagers can be a bit more carefree when it comes to taking care of their orthodontic appliance, so this added protection helps to ensure that the treatment plan isn’t derailed due to lost or broken aligners.

Should I Get Invisalign or Braces?

When considering whether to get braces or Invisalign for teens in Portland and Hood River, OR, it’s important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of both treatments. For example, braces are more visible when compared to Invisalign but may be necessary for more complex issues such as crossbites and open bites. While on the other hand, Invisalign is an excellent option for most teens and can be used to treat mild to moderate crowding issues and overbites.

The cost of Invisalign and braces are often quite similar here at Reese Orthodontics—thanks in part to our various discounts and payment plans—but the length of treatment may differ significantly depending on what orthodontic issues need correcting.

Ultimately, the best way to determine whether Invisalign or braces are suitable for your teen is to request a free consultation with Dr. Reese. He’ll talk one-on-one with your teen and perform a thorough oral examination in order to provide an accurate assessment of their orthodontic needs. From there, our friendly team will recommend the best treatment option for them.

Invisalign For Adults

It’s never too late to achieve a healthy and perfectly-aligned smile, and Invisalign for adults in Portland and Hood River, OR, can help you do just that. Utilizing our discreet clear aligners, this one-of-a-kind treatment can help adults from all walks of life achieve the beautiful and healthy smile they deserve. So whether you’re looking to fix a crooked smile, close gaps in your teeth, or improve your overall oral health, our team here at Reese Orthodontics is ready to help make it happen.

Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment For Adults

Invisalign isn’t only an excellent choice for patients of all ages because it can fix a wide range of orthodontic issues but also because it can provide a variety of further benefits that make the entire process easier, faster, and even more cost-effective than other orthodontic treatments.

They’re Convenient and Comfortable

Invisalign aligners offer a discrete, comfortable, and convenient way for adults to straighten their teeth. Made of lightweight and flexible thermoplastic material, the aligners are custom-fit to your unique teeth and gums and require no metal wires or brackets.

They’re Virtually Invisible

Our Invisalign for adults in Portland and Hood River, OR, is virtually invisible, allowing our adult patients to go through treatment without impeding their busy lives or professional careers.

They’re Easily Removable

Invisalign aligners are easily removable for convenient eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. This makes it easier for adults to adhere to their oral hygiene routine without the additional hassle or inconvenience of more traditional braces. Plus, they can be easily taken out before any important events or photos so that you can look your best at all times.

They Treat Orthodontic Issues Fast

Finally, Invisalign can often treat orthodontic issues faster than traditional braces, meaning less time in treatment for our adult patients. Furthermore, other than quick stops by our office for each new pair of aligners, there’s minimal interruption to our patients’ everyday lives from additional check-ups and adjustments.

Invisalign FAQ

Typically, adults can expect Invisalign treatment to take up to 18 months for complete correction of their orthodontic issues. However, it’s important to note that treatment times can vary from patient to patient and are dependent on a variety of factors, including:

    • The complexity of your case
    • How well you take care of your aligners
    • And whether you follow through with our recommended treatment plan

Some of our patients have even achieved their new smiles in as little as 12 months!

Most patients will initially find that Invisalign aligners can cause a bit of lisping or slurring when first speaking. But this is usually only temporary and will correct itself within a few days as you become accustomed to routinely wearing the aligners. Then you can get back to talking as normal!

Not a single one! Though we always recommend avoiding overly sugary and dyed foods that can stain and damage your teeth, you won’t be restricted from eating any of your favorite snacks. All you have to do is pop out your aligners before eating or drinking anything other than water and then re-insert them after you’ve brushed your teeth or rinsed your mouth out.

As part of our Invisalign treatment in Portland and Hood River, OR, we’ll provide you with a set of retainers that will help ensure your beautiful results last a lifetime. For the first few months post-treatment, we recommend wearing them as frequently as possible, mirroring your schedule during the actual treatment. However, beyond that, you’ll only need to wear them at night—that’s it!